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CB Partner Webinar Nutritional Management of Canine Epilepsy true {{webinarsregistrationpage::race_approved_pending}} 1 Credit Hour {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_self_hosted}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_desktop_background_position}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_mobile_background_position}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_custom_padding}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_custom_padding_mobile}} Purina{reg} {{webinarsregistrationpage::supported_by}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::multiple_speakers}}

The objective of this presentation is to discuss nutritional options in the management of canine epileptic patients, which antiepleptic drugs have the highest efficacy, and how treatment of canine epilepsy can still include side effects and other factors that impact canine quality of life.

{{webinarsregistrationpage::inside_the_webinar_2}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::inside_the_webinar_3}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_1}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_2}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_3}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_4}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_5}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_6}} Company Description

For more than 90 years, Purina has worked to create richer lives for pets and the people who love them through scientifically based nutritional innovations that help dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives. Beyond the bowl, Purina supports pet welfare with efforts to bring and keep pets and people together through adoption, education, and crisis response.


The objective of this presentation is to discuss nutritional options in the management of canine epileptic patients, which antiepleptic drugs have the highest efficacy, and how treatment of canine epilepsy can still include side effects and other factors that impact canine quality of life.

Company Description

For more than 90 years, Purina has worked to create richer lives for pets and the people who love them through scientifically based nutritional innovations that help dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives. Beyond the bowl, Purina supports pet welfare with efforts to bring and keep pets and people together through adoption, education, and crisis response.

The objective of this presentation is to discuss nutritional options in the management of canine epileptic patients, which antiepleptic drugs have the highest efficacy, and how treatment of canine epilepsy can still include side effects and other factors that impact canine quality of life.

Company Description

For more than 90 years, Purina has worked to create richer lives for pets and the people who love them through scientifically based nutritional innovations that help dogs and cats live longer, healthier lives. Beyond the bowl, Purina supports pet welfare with efforts to bring and keep pets and people together through adoption, education, and crisis response.