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CB Partner Webinar Mission Rabies: Eliminating Rabies Through Mass Vaccination {{webinarsregistrationpage::race_approved}} true 1 Credit Hour {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_self_hosted}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_desktop_background_position}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_mobile_background_position}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_custom_padding}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::hero_image_custom_padding_mobile}} Mission Rabies {{webinarsregistrationpage::supported_by}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::multiple_speakers}}

Although 100% preventable, rabies kills more than 59,000 people every year, with 99% of those infections caused by dog bites. Mission Rabies is an organization that has set out to eliminate rabies through mass vaccination of canine populations in communities around the world. In this webinar, just in time for World Rabies Day, explore the impact of rabies around the globe, how Mission Rabies and mass vaccination campaigns, including Merck Animal Health’s Afya Program, are making progress, and how you can get involved.

{{webinarsregistrationpage::inside_the_webinar_2}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::inside_the_webinar_3}} The current global state of rabies, including the impact dogs have on human rabies infections How World Rabies Day works to raise awareness toward achieving the goal of rabies elimination How Mission Rabies, with the help of partners like Merck Animal Health, works to gather volunteers and impact communities around the world Hear from volunteers about what it’s like to participate in a vaccine drive with Mission Rabies and find out how you can join a future drive {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_5}} {{webinarsregistrationpage::what_youll_learn_bullet_6}} About Merck Animal Health & The Afya Program:

The Afya Program is Merck Animal Health’s global non-profit initiative committed to donating our NOBIVAC® rabies vaccines for use in canine vaccination campaigns in rabies-endemic communities around the world that are in desperate need of these life-saving vaccines. For more than 25 years, Merck Animal Health has donated canine rabies vaccines through the Afya Program to Mission Rabies and Rabies Free Africa in support of the commitment to eradicate rabies worldwide. Merck Animal Health has dedicated its full support to the humanitarian efforts of our partners and their goal of eliminating canine-mediated rabies around the world.

US veterinarians play a crucial role in rabies prevention. By creating awareness with their customers and choosing NOBIVAC for their vaccination protocols, veterinary professionals are actively supporting the Afya Program and the global effort to eliminate rabies. In the United States, responsible dog ownership is essential to combatting rabies. With regular veterinary appointments and following vaccination schedules, dog owners can take a One Health approach to protecting both their dog and their family from this dangerous disease.

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Although 100% preventable, rabies kills more than 59,000 people every year, with 99% of those infections caused by dog bites. Mission Rabies is an organization that has set out to eliminate rabies through mass vaccination of canine populations in communities around the world. In this webinar, just in time for World Rabies Day, explore the impact of rabies around the globe, how Mission Rabies and mass vaccination campaigns, including Merck Animal Health’s Afya Program, are making progress, and how you can get involved.

What You'll Learn

About Merck Animal Health & The Afya Program:

The Afya Program is Merck Animal Health’s global non-profit initiative committed to donating our NOBIVAC® rabies vaccines for use in canine vaccination campaigns in rabies-endemic communities around the world that are in desperate need of these life-saving vaccines. For more than 25 years, Merck Animal Health has donated canine rabies vaccines through the Afya Program to Mission Rabies and Rabies Free Africa in support of the commitment to eradicate rabies worldwide. Merck Animal Health has dedicated its full support to the humanitarian efforts of our partners and their goal of eliminating canine-mediated rabies around the world.

US veterinarians play a crucial role in rabies prevention. By creating awareness with their customers and choosing NOBIVAC for their vaccination protocols, veterinary professionals are actively supporting the Afya Program and the global effort to eliminate rabies. In the United States, responsible dog ownership is essential to combatting rabies. With regular veterinary appointments and following vaccination schedules, dog owners can take a One Health approach to protecting both their dog and their family from this dangerous disease.

Although 100% preventable, rabies kills more than 59,000 people every year, with 99% of those infections caused by dog bites. Mission Rabies is an organization that has set out to eliminate rabies through mass vaccination of canine populations in communities around the world. In this webinar, just in time for World Rabies Day, explore the impact of rabies around the globe, how Mission Rabies and mass vaccination campaigns, including Merck Animal Health’s Afya Program, are making progress, and how you can get involved.

What You'll Learn

About Merck Animal Health & The Afya Program:

The Afya Program is Merck Animal Health’s global non-profit initiative committed to donating our NOBIVAC® rabies vaccines for use in canine vaccination campaigns in rabies-endemic communities around the world that are in desperate need of these life-saving vaccines. For more than 25 years, Merck Animal Health has donated canine rabies vaccines through the Afya Program to Mission Rabies and Rabies Free Africa in support of the commitment to eradicate rabies worldwide. Merck Animal Health has dedicated its full support to the humanitarian efforts of our partners and their goal of eliminating canine-mediated rabies around the world.

US veterinarians play a crucial role in rabies prevention. By creating awareness with their customers and choosing NOBIVAC for their vaccination protocols, veterinary professionals are actively supporting the Afya Program and the global effort to eliminate rabies. In the United States, responsible dog ownership is essential to combatting rabies. With regular veterinary appointments and following vaccination schedules, dog owners can take a One Health approach to protecting both their dog and their family from this dangerous disease.