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CB Partner Webinar PURINA {{webinarspromoemail3::client_only_logo}} {{webinarspromoemail3::client_only_logo_self_hosted}} {{webinarspromoemail3::client_only_logo_alt}} {{webinarspromoemail3::client_only_logo_width}} {{webinarspromoemail3::client_only_logo_custom_css}} {{webinarspromoemail3::client_color}} {{webinarspromoemail3::client_color_darker}} Keep More of Your Money in 2021: What You Need to Know to Achieve Personal {amp} Practice Profitability true 1 Credit Hour {{webinarspromoemail3::on_demand}} December 6, 2021 at 8:00 PM {{webinarspromoemail3::remove_webinar_date_and_time_1}} ET 1{nbs}HR How to Optimize Nutrition for Senior Dogs {amp} Cats Save Your Spot https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/3552998/6B0B3E0D35955BEDD21364112C756A2E {{webinarspromoemail3::header_background_image_none}} https://cdn.brief.vet/ce/210325_OnlineCE_Webinar_Email_Templates/210325_OnlineCE_Webinar_Email_Templates_Background_1x_v3.0.jpg https://cdn.brief.vet/ce/210325_OnlineCE_Webinar_Email_Templates/210325_OnlineCE_Webinar_Email_Templates_Background_2x_v3.0.jpg {{webinarspromoemail3::header_background_image_1}} {{webinarspromoemail3::header_background_image_2}} {{webinarspromoemail3::header_background_image_3}} {{webinarspromoemail3::header_background_image_4}} true {{webinarspromoemail3::header_background_image_6}} {{webinarspromoemail3::supported_by}} /uploads/021021_webinar_partner_purina_email_sponsor_logo_2_x_0_fca1002_faea87624_eeb32_a63_d980_bfc-53d67e9864231a6b372b674e4d5b6f10.jpeg {{webinarspromoemail3::client_logo_self_hosted}} 130 Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets {{webinarspromoemail3::client_logo_url}} {{webinarspromoemail3::place_logos_below_content}} true /uploads/021021_webinar_partner_purina_email_speaker_delmain_2_x_9_e466_b6_b27_f605_b25879_eca5297_f36_dd-bdd8f7fdd5ae2dcd24c77cf3c7646d1b.jpeg {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_self_hosted_1}} Diane Delmain DVM, DABVP (Feline) /uploads/021021_webinar_partner_purina_email_speaker_delmain_2_x_9_e466_b6_b27_f605_b25879_eca5297_f36_dd-bdd8f7fdd5ae2dcd24c77cf3c7646d1b.jpeg {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_self_hosted_2}} Diane Delmain DVM, DABVP (Feline) {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_3}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_self_hosted_3}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_name_3}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_title_3}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_4}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_self_hosted_4}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_name_4}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_title_4}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_5}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_self_hosted_5}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_name_5}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_title_5}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_6}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_image_self_hosted_6}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_name_6}} {{webinarspromoemail3::speaker_title_6}} true {{webinarspromoemail3::place_speakers_below_content}} Few bonds are stronger than the ones between senior pets and their people. Nurture those bonds by making sure older pets are getting appropriate nutrition for their life stage and any age-related conditions. Learn how to assess the needs of individual senior pets and how to talk to pet owners about their beloved friend’s aging{nbs}process. {{webinarspromoemail3::inside_the_webinar_2}} {{webinarspromoemail3::inside_the_webinar_3}} When a pet is considered senior and how to communicate this with their{nbs}owner What tools can be used for a complete nutritional assessment Dietary considerations that may impact aging{nbs}patients Common age-related conditions that may benefit from nutritional intervention {{webinarspromoemail3::what_youll_learn_5}} {{webinarspromoemail3::what_youll_learn_6}} Help make their golden years brighter. Save Your Spot This program is pending approval for 1 hour of CE credit in the jurisdictions that recognize RACE{nbs}approval.
Keep More of Your Money in 2021: What You Need to Know to Achieve Personal {amp} Practice Profitability
Produced by Clinician's Brief & PURINA
RACE approved (1 Credit Hour)(1 Credit Hour)
RACE approved (1 Credit Hour)(1 Credit Hour)
Keep More of Your Money in 2021: What You Need to Know to Achieve Personal {amp} Practice Profitability
How to Optimize Nutrition for Senior Dogs {amp} Cats
Dec  6, 2021
08:00 PM ET (1{nbs}HR)
Save Your Spot
Save Your Spot
Produced by
Sponsored by
Clinician's Brief
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets
Diane Delmain
DVM, DABVP (Feline)
Diane Delmain
DVM, DABVP (Feline)
Inside the Webinar
Inside the Webinar
Few bonds are stronger than the ones between senior pets and their people. Nurture those bonds by making sure older pets are getting appropriate nutrition for their life stage and any age-related conditions. Learn how to assess the needs of individual senior pets and how to talk to pet owners about their beloved friend’s aging{nbs}process.
What you'll learn
  • When a pet is considered senior and how to communicate this with their{nbs}owner
  • What tools can be used for a complete nutritional assessment
  • Dietary considerations that may impact aging{nbs}patients
  • Common age-related conditions that may benefit from nutritional intervention
Help make their golden years brighter.
Save Your Spot
Help make their golden years brighter.
Save Your Spot
This program is pending approval for 1 hour of CE credit in the jurisdictions that recognize RACE{nbs}approval.
This program is pending approval for 1 hour of CE credit in the jurisdictions that recognize RACE{nbs}approval.
Produced by
Sponsored by
Clinician's Brief
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Keep More of Your Money in 2021: What You Need to Know to Achieve Personal {amp} Practice Profitability
Produced by Clinician's Brief & PURINA
RACE approved (1 Credit Hour)(1 Credit Hour)
RACE approved (1 Credit Hour)(1 Credit Hour)
Keep More of Your Money in 2021: What You Need to Know to Achieve Personal {amp} Practice Profitability
How to Optimize Nutrition for Senior Dogs {amp} Cats
Dec  6, 2021
08:00 PM ET (1{nbs}HR)
Save Your Spot
Save Your Spot
Produced by
Sponsored by
Clinician's Brief
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets
Diane Delmain
DVM, DABVP (Feline)
Diane Delmain
DVM, DABVP (Feline)
Inside the Webinar
Inside the Webinar
Few bonds are stronger than the ones between senior pets and their people. Nurture those bonds by making sure older pets are getting appropriate nutrition for their life stage and any age-related conditions. Learn how to assess the needs of individual senior pets and how to talk to pet owners about their beloved friend’s aging{nbs}process.
What you'll learn
  • When a pet is considered senior and how to communicate this with their{nbs}owner
  • What tools can be used for a complete nutritional assessment
  • Dietary considerations that may impact aging{nbs}patients
  • Common age-related conditions that may benefit from nutritional intervention
Help make their golden years brighter.
Save Your Spot
Help make their golden years brighter.
Save Your Spot
This program is pending approval for 1 hour of CE credit in the jurisdictions that recognize RACE{nbs}approval.
This program is pending approval for 1 hour of CE credit in the jurisdictions that recognize RACE{nbs}approval.
Produced by
Sponsored by
Clinician's Brief
Purina Pro Plan Veterinary Diets