</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#E9EBF2" bgcolor="#E9EBF2">
CB Partner Webinar {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::omeda}} #EVENTTITLE# {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::round_table}} TeleVet {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::client_only_logo}} {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::client_only_logo_self_hosted}} {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::client_only_logo_alt}} {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::client_only_logo_width}} {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::client_only_logo_custom_css}} {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::client_color}} {{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::supported_by}} We hope the information was helpful in navigating the day-to-day struggle of reducing stress and improving efficiency. Telehealth is a broad term that encompasses both telemedicine, which requires a veterinarian–client–patient relationship (VCPR), and teleadvice (eg, teletriage, teleconsulting), which do not. Consult current national and state laws on your ability to establish a VCPR virtually. Generally, the VCPR must already be established in person at the practice before telemedicine is provided. Telehealth tools can increase practice efficiency by saving team members time from writing records and playing phone-tag while increasing client convenience, compliance, and, thus, patient care. Common-use cases for telehealth can include some chronic condition rechecks, curbside/drop-off appointments, in-clinic procedure updates, and follow-up examinations. Individual practices can and should customize and clearly communicate their approach to telehealth to balance their clients’ needs and team members’ boundaries.

Download a printable PDF of these takeaways.


Please note that a minimum of 50 minutes worth of attendance during the live event was required to receive your certificate. If you did not download your CE certificate during the event, click here to download your certificate.

If you did not meet the 50-minute minimum, please view the on-demand version here and complete a 5-question quiz to receive your certificate.

{{webinarsautomatedemailsthankyou::ce_certificate_url}} #AUDIENCEURL# true
Thank you for attending our webinar, "#EVENTTITLE#," sponsored by TeleVet. We hope the information was helpful in navigating the day-to-day struggle of reducing stress and improving efficiency. Thank you for attending our webinar, "#EVENTTITLE#." We hope the information was helpful in navigating the day-to-day struggle of reducing stress and improving efficiency.
Below you will find the Top 5 Takeaways from the webinar.
Top 5 Takeaways
  1. Telehealth is a broad term that encompasses both telemedicine, which requires a veterinarian–client–patient relationship (VCPR), and teleadvice (eg, teletriage, teleconsulting), which do not.
  2. Consult current national and state laws on your ability to establish a VCPR virtually. Generally, the VCPR must already be established in person at the practice before telemedicine is provided.
  3. Telehealth tools can increase practice efficiency by saving team members time from writing records and playing phone-tag while increasing client convenience, compliance, and, thus, patient care.
  4. Common-use cases for telehealth can include some chronic condition rechecks, curbside/drop-off appointments, in-clinic procedure updates, and follow-up examinations.
  5. Individual practices can and should customize and clearly communicate their approach to telehealth to balance their clients’ needs and team members’ boundaries.

Download a printable PDF of these takeaways.

Your CE Certificate

Please note that a minimum of 50 minutes worth of attendance during the live event was required to receive your certificate. If you did not download your CE certificate during the event, click here to download your certificate.

If you did not meet the 50-minute minimum, please view the on-demand version here and complete a 5-question quiz to receive your certificate.

Feel free to pass this along to colleagues who may be interested.
If you would like to reference the on‑demand version of the event, click here.
Thanks again for attending,
The Clinician's Brief Team
The TeleVet Team
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Thank you for attending our webinar, "#EVENTTITLE#," sponsored by TeleVet. We hope the information was helpful in navigating the day-to-day struggle of reducing stress and improving efficiency. Thank you for attending our webinar, "#EVENTTITLE#." We hope the information was helpful in navigating the day-to-day struggle of reducing stress and improving efficiency.
Below you will find the Top 5 Takeaways from the webinar.
Top 5 Takeaways
  1. Telehealth is a broad term that encompasses both telemedicine, which requires a veterinarian–client–patient relationship (VCPR), and teleadvice (eg, teletriage, teleconsulting), which do not.
  2. Consult current national and state laws on your ability to establish a VCPR virtually. Generally, the VCPR must already be established in person at the practice before telemedicine is provided.
  3. Telehealth tools can increase practice efficiency by saving team members time from writing records and playing phone-tag while increasing client convenience, compliance, and, thus, patient care.
  4. Common-use cases for telehealth can include some chronic condition rechecks, curbside/drop-off appointments, in-clinic procedure updates, and follow-up examinations.
  5. Individual practices can and should customize and clearly communicate their approach to telehealth to balance their clients’ needs and team members’ boundaries.

Download a printable PDF of these takeaways.

Your CE Certificate

Please note that a minimum of 50 minutes worth of attendance during the live event was required to receive your certificate. If you did not download your CE certificate during the event, click here to download your certificate.

If you did not meet the 50-minute minimum, please view the on-demand version here and complete a 5-question quiz to receive your certificate.

Feel free to pass this along to colleagues who may be interested.
If you would like to reference the on‑demand version of the event, click here.
Thanks again for attending,
The Clinician's Brief Team
The TeleVet Team