</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
/uploads/hills_email_sponsor_logo_2_x-5a548f18a567b335035a389371087983.jpg 55 {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::client_logo_alt}} https://www.hillsvet.com/ {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::client_tracker_image_path}} /uploads/hills_brief_bytes_l_m_s_header_image_600_x360_gi_2_x-3978af7f706acbd5b9266334aa9d7035.jpg Weight Loss Tools for a Busy Clinic: Interactive CE

Obesity decreases the lifespan of dogs by ≈2 years, but to help our patients, we need pet owners to understand the risks of obesity and get their compliance with weight loss plans. Do you need to find new ways to discuss diet?

https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/explore-courses/courses/weight-management&sso=true Nutrition {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::featured_card_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::featured_card_qualification_remove}} /uploads/hills_brief_bytes_l_m_s_header_image_600_x360_renal_2_x-9745c31e8c9870d5ad3c71ce4bb2014e.jpg Dietary Intervention for Allergic Itch

Dogs itch because of environmental triggers or food allergies. Did you know there’s a food to help with the management of both causes?

https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/resources-2/view/18&sso=true Dermatology {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_1_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_1_qualification_remove}} /uploads/hills_brief_bytes_l_m_s_header_image_600_x360_urinary_2_x-f1ae4674dfbfb64a5ffe853836de625c.jpg Talking About Nutrition Doesn’t Have to Be Hard

Feeding their pet is the one thing every pet owner does, every day. By taking the time to assess patient nutrition, the veterinary team can uncover and address assumptions, misunderstandings, and mistakes such as overfeeding, unbalanced diets, and mismatched foods. Save time and energy by using a team approach to pet food conversations.

https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/resources-2/view/25 Nutrition {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_2_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_2_qualification_remove}} /uploads/hills_brief_bytes_l_m_s_header_image_600_x360_weight_2_x-a68c6295237266ab872f47fa46b5e48d.jpg The When, Why, {br}& How of Urinary Diets

We know urinary foods play an essential role in the treatment of feline lower urinary tract signs and their associated clinical conditions. Did you know there’s a therapeutic urinary food that has been shown to dissolve struvite uroliths in as few as 7 days and lead to 8× greater success in reducing common urinary signs? Watch this short video to get tips on how to be concise and specific with your nutrition recommendations for FLUTD patients.

https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US/resources-2/view/99 Urology {amp} Nephrology {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::featured_card_2_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::featured_card_2_qualification_remove}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_image}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_title}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_summary_copy}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_url}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_cb_primary_topic}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_qualification}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_3_qualification_remove}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_image}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_title}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_summary_copy}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_url}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_cb_primary_topic}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_qualification}} {{sponsoredtopicnewsletter::card_4_qualification_remove}}
Hill’s Brief Bytes NL Newsletter
Weight Loss Tools for a Busy Clinic: Interactive CE
<p>Obesity decreases the lifespan of dogs by ≈2 years, but to help our patients, we need pet owners to understand the risks of obesity and get their compliance with weight loss plans. <a href="https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/explore-courses/courses/weight-management&amp;sso=true " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Do you need to find new ways to discuss diet?</a></p>
Nutrition  |  Sponsored
Dietary Intervention for Allergic Itch
<p>Dogs itch because of environmental triggers or food allergies. <a href="https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/resources-2/view/18&amp;sso=true" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Did you know there’s a food to help with the management of both causes?</a></p>
Dermatology  |  Sponsored
Talking About Nutrition Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
<p>Feeding their pet is the one thing every pet owner does, every day. By taking the time to assess patient nutrition, the veterinary team can uncover and address assumptions, misunderstandings, and mistakes such as overfeeding, unbalanced diets, and mismatched foods. <a href=" https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/resources-2/view/25 " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Save time and energy by using a team approach to pet food conversations.</a></p>
Nutrition  |  Sponsored
The When, Why, {br}& How of Urinary Diets
<p>We know urinary foods play an essential role in the treatment of feline lower urinary tract signs and their associated clinical conditions. Did you know there’s a therapeutic urinary food that has been shown to dissolve struvite uroliths in as few as 7 days and lead to 8× greater success in reducing common urinary signs? <a href=" https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US/resources-2/view/99 " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Watch this short video to get tips on how to be concise and specific with your nutrition recommendations for FLUTD patients.</a></p>
Urology {amp} Nephrology  |  Sponsored
Newsletter brought to you by
Clinician's Brief

This is a paid advertisement. Products, services, and opinions in this message are {br} solely those of the sponsor and are not endorsed, explicitly or otherwise, by Brief Media.
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Hill’s Brief Bytes NL Newsletter
Weight Loss Tools for a Busy Clinic: Interactive CE
<p>Obesity decreases the lifespan of dogs by ≈2 years, but to help our patients, we need pet owners to understand the risks of obesity and get their compliance with weight loss plans. <a href="https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/explore-courses/courses/weight-management&amp;sso=true " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Do you need to find new ways to discuss diet?</a></p>
Nutrition  |  Sponsored
Dietary Intervention for Allergic Itch
<p>Dogs itch because of environmental triggers or food allergies. <a href="https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/resources-2/view/18&amp;sso=true" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Did you know there’s a food to help with the management of both causes?</a></p>
Dermatology  |  Sponsored
Talking About Nutrition Doesn’t Have to Be Hard
<p>Feeding their pet is the one thing every pet owner does, every day. By taking the time to assess patient nutrition, the veterinary team can uncover and address assumptions, misunderstandings, and mistakes such as overfeeding, unbalanced diets, and mismatched foods. <a href=" https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US?redirectBack=en_US/resources-2/view/25 " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Save time and energy by using a team approach to pet food conversations.</a></p>
Nutrition  |  Sponsored
The When, Why, {br}& How of Urinary Diets
<p>We know urinary foods play an essential role in the treatment of feline lower urinary tract signs and their associated clinical conditions. Did you know there’s a therapeutic urinary food that has been shown to dissolve struvite uroliths in as few as 7 days and lead to 8× greater success in reducing common urinary signs? <a href=" https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US/resources-2/view/99 " rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Watch this short video to get tips on how to be concise and specific with your nutrition recommendations for FLUTD patients.</a></p>
Urology {amp} Nephrology  |  Sponsored
Newsletter brought to you by
Clinician's Brief

This is a paid advertisement. Products, services, and opinions in this message are {br} solely those of the sponsor and are not endorsed, explicitly or otherwise, by Brief Media.