October 25 FPTP NL
Deployment Date
October 25, 2022
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Clinician's Brief
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Too Much of a Good Thing: NSAID Overdose
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Acute NSAID overdose is a common scenario in the small animal clinic, but the prognosis is not always clear. Researchers looked at 125 dogs treated for an NSAID overdose to identify prognostic red flags.
Too Much of a Good Thing: NSAID Overdose
Given NSAIDs’ frequent use and often highly palatable formulations, overdose is a familiar scenario in the small animal clinic. A new retrospective study reviewed the cases of 125 dogs to better characterize clinical signs, treatment outcomes, and prognostic factors of this common toxicosis.
Discover what warning signs you should watch for in your next case of NSAID overdose.
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This free CE virtual event focuses on bile acid diarrhea, postbiotics, the impact of Clostridial species on microbiome and host health; fiber; fecal microbiota transplantation; and the unique feline microbiome. Register now.
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Urology & Nephrology
Acute NSAID overdose is a common scenario in the small animal clinic, but the prognosis is not always clear. Researchers looked at 125 dogs treated for an NSAID overdose to identify prognostic red flags.