May 24 FPTP NL
Deployment Date
May 24, 2022
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The Menace of Malassezia: Treating Chronic Otitis Externa
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Although treating chronic or recurrent yeast otitis in dogs can be frustrating, these cases can be managed successfully.
The Menace of Malassezia: Treating Chronic Otitis Externa
Recurrent yeast otitis externa in dogs is painful for your patients and frustrating for you and your clients alike. A new retrospective study examines patients referred to dermatologists with chronic malassezia ear issues, with the aim of establishing which treatments are most likely to lead to success.
Find out which therapies should be the cornerstones of your approach to the chronic yeast otitis patient.
Surgical Skills Portal: Tighten Up Your Suture Technique
No matter how long we've been in practice, we all need to keep our surgical skills sharp. Find webinars, video tutorials, and more in this knot-tying resource library.
New Lessons on Survival with Mammary Carcinoma
Mammary carcinoma is not a diagnosis any veterinarian wants to give, especially since this cancer can behave in unpredictable ways. A new study borrows a concept from human medicine to give veterinarians new data on the prognosis of this serious disease.
Cysto Strategies for Urethral Obstruction
Should you stress when it’s time to decompress? See what the latest research says about the safety and utility of decompressive cystocentesis in cats with urethral obstruction.
Emergency Medicine & Critical Care
Although treating chronic or recurrent yeast otitis in dogs can be frustrating, these cases can be managed successfully.
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, May 24, 2022
The Menace of Malassezia: Treating Chronic Otitis Externa
From the page...
Recurrent yeast otitis externa in dogs is painful for your patients and frustrating for you and your clients alike. A new retrospective study examines patients referred to dermatologists with chronic malassezia ear issues, with the aim of establishing which treatments are most likely to lead to success.
...To your patients
Find out which therapies should be the cornerstones of your approach to the chronic yeast otitis patient.
New Lessons on Survival with Mammary Carcinoma
Mammary carcinoma is not a diagnosis any veterinarian wants to give, especially since this cancer can behave in unpredictable ways. A new study borrows a concept from human medicine to give veterinarians new data on the prognosis of this serious disease.
Cysto Strategies for Urethral Obstruction
Should you stress when it’s time to decompress? See what the latest research says about the safety and utility of decompressive cystocentesis in cats with urethral obstruction.
Emergency Medicine & Critical Care