</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
{{frompagetopatient::client_logo}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_width}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_alt}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_url}} {{frompagetopatient::client_tracker_image_path}} When a Bladder Is Under Stress, Should You Decompress? /uploads/1280289912_fptp-d727eac1d8656cc9042cca98de4c1294.jpg

Although urethral obstruction in male cats is a common scenario in the small animal clinic, there is a lack of research on which management strategies are optimal. A new study examines the risks and benefits of using decompressive cystocentesis in the blocked cat.

Learn if a cysto should be on the treatment plan for your next urethral obstruction case.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/decompressive-cystocentesis-cats-urethral-obstruction?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+220308 Emergency Medicine {amp} Critical Care {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_qualification_remove}} Advances in Managing Mitral Valve Disease {{frompagetopatient::card_2_image}}

75% of dogs diagnosed with heart disease have MMVD. The good news: early intervention, including dietary management, can help. Are you recommending everything you can for your patients?

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/purina-nutrition-exchange-march-2022?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+220308 {{frompagetopatient::card_2_cb_primary_topic}} {{frompagetopatient::card_2_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{frompagetopatient::card_2_qualification_remove}} Dig into the Latest on Diet Trials {{frompagetopatient::card_3_image}}

Diagnosing food-induced allergic dermatitis can be a lengthy and frustrating process. A new study shows there may be a way to cut that process in half and still get the answers you need.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/shortened-elimination-diet-trial-dogs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+220308 Dermatology {{frompagetopatient::card_3_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_3_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_3_qualification_remove}} Canine Eye Worm Case Report {{frompagetopatient::card_4_image}}

Is there more to this dog’s conjunctivitis than meets the eye? Follow this case report of canine eyeworm infection in an unexpected geographical location.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/eyeworm-infection-dog?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+220308 Parasitology {{frompagetopatient::card_4_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_4_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_4_qualification_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_title}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_image}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_summary_copy}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_url}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_cb_primary_topic}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_qualification_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::300x250_image}} {{frompagetopatient::300x250_url}}
Prolonged urethral obstruction in cats can lead to postrenal azotemia and other complications. Discover what this study found when evaluating decompressive cystocentesis as a means to facilitate urethral catheterization.
Clinician's Brief
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, March  8, 2022
When a Bladder Is Under Stress, Should You Decompress?
Emergency Medicine {amp} Critical Care
From the page...
<p>Although urethral obstruction in male cats is a common scenario in the small animal clinic, there is a lack of research on which management strategies are optimal. A new study examines the risks and benefits of using decompressive cystocentesis in the blocked cat.</p>
...To your patients
<p>Learn if a cysto should be on the treatment plan for your next urethral obstruction case.</p>
Read More
Advances in Managing Mitral Valve Disease
<p>75% of dogs diagnosed with heart disease have MMVD. The good news: early intervention, including dietary management, can help. Are you recommending everything you can for your patients?</p>
Dig into the Latest on Diet Trials
<p>Diagnosing food-induced allergic dermatitis can be a lengthy and frustrating process. A new study shows there may be a way to cut that process in half and still get the answers you need.</p>
Canine Eye Worm Case Report
<p>Is there more to this dog’s conjunctivitis than meets the eye? Follow this case report of canine eyeworm infection in an unexpected geographical location.</p>
Looking for more pearls to
put into practice?
Browse the whole From Page to Patient
collection here.
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Prolonged urethral obstruction in cats can lead to postrenal azotemia and other complications. Discover what this study found when evaluating decompressive cystocentesis as a means to facilitate urethral catheterization.
Clinician's Brief
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, March  8, 2022
When a Bladder Is Under Stress, Should You Decompress?
Emergency Medicine {amp} Critical Care
From the page...
<p>Although urethral obstruction in male cats is a common scenario in the small animal clinic, there is a lack of research on which management strategies are optimal. A new study examines the risks and benefits of using decompressive cystocentesis in the blocked cat.</p>
...To your patients
<p>Learn if a cysto should be on the treatment plan for your next urethral obstruction case.</p>
Read More
Advances in Managing Mitral Valve Disease
<p>75% of dogs diagnosed with heart disease have MMVD. The good news: early intervention, including dietary management, can help. Are you recommending everything you can for your patients?</p>
Dig into the Latest on Diet Trials
<p>Diagnosing food-induced allergic dermatitis can be a lengthy and frustrating process. A new study shows there may be a way to cut that process in half and still get the answers you need.</p>
Canine Eye Worm Case Report
<p>Is there more to this dog’s conjunctivitis than meets the eye? Follow this case report of canine eyeworm infection in an unexpected geographical location.</p>
Looking for more pearls to
put into practice?
Browse the whole From Page to Patient
collection here.