</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
{{frompagetopatient::client_logo}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_width}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_alt}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_url}} {{frompagetopatient::client_tracker_image_path}} Urethral Catheterization in Cats & Small Dogs /uploads/183866275_resized_reformatted-5f416ab26e75e667d900dac734b8ea73.jpg

In this study, a novel two-catheter technique was performed by veterinarians of varying experience to compare its ease of use against the standard method of urethral catheter placement in female cats and small dogs. For those veterinarians who find placing urethral catheters in female dogs and cats a frustrating proposition, results suggest this new technique offers a potential solution.

Get the low-down on this novel technique in this From Page to Patient research overview.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/novel-technique-urethral-catheterization-cats-small-dogs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210831 Urology {amp} Nephrology {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_qualification_remove}} Nutrition: Advocating for Your Patients {{frompagetopatient::card_2_image}}

If your clients aren't turning to you for their nutrition-related questions, they should be. Advocate for your patients, and learn how you can become your clients' #1 resource for nutritional information. Watch this webinar now.

https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2387083/91BFFB5AFC55E4005413C1FB0097EA65?partnerref=FPTP-Newsletter_20210831 {{frompagetopatient::card_2_cb_primary_topic}} {{frompagetopatient::card_2_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{frompagetopatient::card_2_qualification_remove}} What Makes Up Middle Ear Effusions? {{frompagetopatient::card_3_image}}

Brachycephalic dogs are especially prone to middle ear issues due to eustachian tube abnormalities. A recent study examined fluid from the tympanic bullae of these patients to better understand middle ear disease.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/characteristics-middle-ear-effusions-brachycephalic-dogs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210831 Dermatology {{frompagetopatient::card_3_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_3_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_3_qualification_remove}} Potential Single-Dose Snake Mite Treatment {{frompagetopatient::card_4_image}}

Two Burmese pythons with Ophionyssus natricis were treated with afoxolaner delivered via orogastric tube. See the outcome here.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/effective-treatment-snake-mites?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210831 Exotic Animal Medicine {{frompagetopatient::card_4_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_4_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_4_qualification_remove}} Canine Anxiety & the Gut–Brain Axis {{frompagetopatient::card_5_image}}

That "gut feeling" we get when we're anxious represents the connection between the GI tract and brain. Find out how we can use probiotics to influence anxious behavior in dogs—view now.

https://event.on24.com/wcc/r/2573567/376CD5384154AD91D00B5969C8613C1A?partnerref=FPTP-Newsletter_20210831 {{frompagetopatient::card_5_cb_primary_topic}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{frompagetopatient::card_5_qualification_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::300x250_image}} {{frompagetopatient::300x250_url}}
Ease into your next feline urinary catheterization.
Clinician's Brief
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Urethral Catheterization in Cats & Small Dogs
Urology {amp} Nephrology
From the page...
<p>In this study, a novel two-catheter technique was performed by veterinarians of varying experience to compare its ease of use against the standard method of urethral catheter placement in female cats and small dogs. For those veterinarians who find placing urethral catheters in female dogs and cats a frustrating proposition, results suggest this new technique offers a potential solution.</p>
...To your patients
<p>Get the low-down on this novel technique in this <em>From Page to Patient</em> research overview.</p>
Read More
Nutrition: Advocating for Your Patients
<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If your clients aren't turning to you for their nutrition-related questions, they should be. Advocate for your patients, and learn how you can become your clients' #1 resource for nutritional information. Watch this webinar now.</span></p>
What Makes Up Middle Ear Effusions?
<p>Brachycephalic dogs are especially prone to middle ear issues due to eustachian tube abnormalities. A recent study examined fluid from the tympanic bullae of these patients to better understand middle ear disease.</p>
Potential Single-Dose Snake Mite Treatment
<p>Two Burmese pythons with <em>Ophionyssus natricis</em> were treated with afoxolaner delivered via orogastric tube. See the outcome here.</p>
Exotic Animal Medicine
Canine Anxiety & the Gut–Brain Axis
<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">That "gut feeling" we get when we're anxious represents the connection between the GI tract and brain. Find out how we can use probiotics to influence anxious behavior in dogs—view now.</span></p>
Looking for more pearls to
put into practice?
Browse the whole From Page to Patient
collection here.
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Ease into your next feline urinary catheterization.
Clinician's Brief
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, August 31, 2021
Urethral Catheterization in Cats & Small Dogs
Urology {amp} Nephrology
From the page...
<p>In this study, a novel two-catheter technique was performed by veterinarians of varying experience to compare its ease of use against the standard method of urethral catheter placement in female cats and small dogs. For those veterinarians who find placing urethral catheters in female dogs and cats a frustrating proposition, results suggest this new technique offers a potential solution.</p>
...To your patients
<p>Get the low-down on this novel technique in this <em>From Page to Patient</em> research overview.</p>
Read More
Nutrition: Advocating for Your Patients
<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If your clients aren't turning to you for their nutrition-related questions, they should be. Advocate for your patients, and learn how you can become your clients' #1 resource for nutritional information. Watch this webinar now.</span></p>
What Makes Up Middle Ear Effusions?
<p>Brachycephalic dogs are especially prone to middle ear issues due to eustachian tube abnormalities. A recent study examined fluid from the tympanic bullae of these patients to better understand middle ear disease.</p>
Potential Single-Dose Snake Mite Treatment
<p>Two Burmese pythons with <em>Ophionyssus natricis</em> were treated with afoxolaner delivered via orogastric tube. See the outcome here.</p>
Exotic Animal Medicine
Canine Anxiety & the Gut–Brain Axis
<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">That "gut feeling" we get when we're anxious represents the connection between the GI tract and brain. Find out how we can use probiotics to influence anxious behavior in dogs—view now.</span></p>
Looking for more pearls to
put into practice?
Browse the whole From Page to Patient
collection here.