</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
{{frompagetopatient::client_logo}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_width}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_alt}} {{frompagetopatient::client_logo_url}} {{frompagetopatient::client_tracker_image_path}} Are You an Over-Prescriber? /uploads/1252476993_resized_reformatted-c397c5c19cf665f94fbfc3ad11736508.jpg

We now know that indiscriminate use of antimicrobials contributes to antibiotic resistance. However, dogs receiving chemotherapy often suffer from bone marrow suppression, which can lead to dangerous secondary bacterial infections. This study of 181 dogs receiving chemotherapy had two aims: to compare the incidence of febrile neutropenia and nonhematologic toxicity in dogs that were and were not receiving prophylactic antimicrobials, and to compare the proportion of chemotherapy patients that would require prophylactic antimicrobials when varying neutrophil cutoff counts were used.

  • Findings showed that significantly fewer than 1% of chemotherapeutic administrations resulted in febrile neutropenia and nonhematologic toxicity 
  • There was no significant difference between the dogs that were receiving prophylactic antimicrobials and those that weren’t

Because the absolute neutrophil cutoff count used here was lower than that in previous studies, clinicians can make more informed choices on when to use prophylactic antimicrobials and look for more opportunities to keep the antibiotics on the shelf—and help decrease global antimicrobial resistance.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/neutrophil-count-cutoff-antimicrobial-prophylaxis-dogs-treated-cancer?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210824 Oncology {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::featured_card_qualification_remove}} A Wealth of Cat Content in One Spot {{frompagetopatient::card_2_image}}

If you're looking for information about feline health, look no further than this resource library. Start exploring.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/feline-portal?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210824 {{frompagetopatient::card_2_cb_primary_topic}} {{frompagetopatient::card_2_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{frompagetopatient::card_2_qualification_remove}} What Is Alfaxalone Priming? {{frompagetopatient::card_3_image}}

Alfaxolone induction can lead to decreased blood pressure in cats. But a simple technique prior to induction might minimize this effect.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/effects-alfaxalone-priming-induction-cats?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210824 Anesthesiology {amp} Pain Management {{frompagetopatient::card_3_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_3_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_3_qualification_remove}} Evaluating the Severity of Pancreatitis {{frompagetopatient::card_4_image}}

Abdominal ultrasonography is often used in the evaluation of dogs with suspected or known pancreatitis. Are the results reliable?

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/use-ultrasound-diagnose-evaluate-severity-pancreatitis-dogs?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210824 Internal Medicine {{frompagetopatient::card_4_cb_primary_topic_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::card_4_qualification}} {{frompagetopatient::card_4_qualification_remove}} Easy Antibiotic Stewardship {{frompagetopatient::card_5_image}}

Recommending the gold standard—topical treatments for skin infections—is simpler when they’re effective and easy for clients. Learn from Lana, the allergic Labrador. Offer these options.

https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/topical-solutions-skin-infections-registration?utm_medium=email&utm_source=Clinician%27s+Brief+Newsletter&utm_campaign=Online+210824 {{frompagetopatient::card_5_cb_primary_topic}} {{frompagetopatient::card_5_cb_primary_topic_remove}} Sponsored {{frompagetopatient::card_5_qualification_remove}} {{frompagetopatient::300x250_image}} {{frompagetopatient::300x250_url}}
Get these new tips on antimicrobials in chemotherapy patients.
Clinician's Brief
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Are You an Over-Prescriber?
From the page...
<p>We now know that indiscriminate use of antimicrobials contributes to antibiotic resistance. However, dogs receiving chemotherapy often suffer from bone marrow suppression, which can lead to dangerous secondary bacterial infections. This study of 181 dogs receiving chemotherapy had two aims: to compare the incidence of febrile neutropenia and nonhematologic toxicity in dogs that were and were not receiving prophylactic antimicrobials, and to compare the proportion of chemotherapy patients that would require prophylactic antimicrobials when varying neutrophil cutoff counts were used.</p>
...To your patients
<ul><li>Findings showed that significantly fewer than 1% of chemotherapeutic administrations resulted in febrile neutropenia and nonhematologic toxicity&nbsp;</li><li>There was no significant difference between the dogs that were receiving prophylactic antimicrobials and those that weren’t</li></ul><p>Because the absolute neutrophil cutoff count used here was lower than that in previous studies, clinicians can make more informed choices on when to use prophylactic antimicrobials and look for more opportunities to keep the antibiotics on the shelf—and help decrease global antimicrobial resistance.</p>
Read More
A Wealth of Cat Content in One Spot
<p>If you're looking for information about feline health, look no further than this resource library. Start exploring.</p>
What Is Alfaxalone Priming?
<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Alfaxolone induction can lead to decreased blood pressure in cats. But a simple technique prior to induction might minimize this effect.</span></p>
Anesthesiology {amp} Pain Management
Evaluating the Severity of Pancreatitis
<p>Abdominal ultrasonography is often used in the evaluation of dogs with suspected or known pancreatitis. Are the results reliable?</p>
Internal Medicine
Easy Antibiotic Stewardship
<p>Recommending the gold standard—topical treatments for skin infections—is simpler when they’re effective and easy for clients. Learn from Lana, the allergic Labrador. Offer these options.</p>
Looking for more pearls to
put into practice?
Browse the whole From Page to Patient
collection here.
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Get these new tips on antimicrobials in chemotherapy patients.
Clinician's Brief
From Page to Patient
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Are You an Over-Prescriber?
From the page...
<p>We now know that indiscriminate use of antimicrobials contributes to antibiotic resistance. However, dogs receiving chemotherapy often suffer from bone marrow suppression, which can lead to dangerous secondary bacterial infections. This study of 181 dogs receiving chemotherapy had two aims: to compare the incidence of febrile neutropenia and nonhematologic toxicity in dogs that were and were not receiving prophylactic antimicrobials, and to compare the proportion of chemotherapy patients that would require prophylactic antimicrobials when varying neutrophil cutoff counts were used.</p>
...To your patients
<ul><li>Findings showed that significantly fewer than 1% of chemotherapeutic administrations resulted in febrile neutropenia and nonhematologic toxicity&nbsp;</li><li>There was no significant difference between the dogs that were receiving prophylactic antimicrobials and those that weren’t</li></ul><p>Because the absolute neutrophil cutoff count used here was lower than that in previous studies, clinicians can make more informed choices on when to use prophylactic antimicrobials and look for more opportunities to keep the antibiotics on the shelf—and help decrease global antimicrobial resistance.</p>
Read More
A Wealth of Cat Content in One Spot
<p>If you're looking for information about feline health, look no further than this resource library. Start exploring.</p>
What Is Alfaxalone Priming?
<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Alfaxolone induction can lead to decreased blood pressure in cats. But a simple technique prior to induction might minimize this effect.</span></p>
Anesthesiology {amp} Pain Management
Evaluating the Severity of Pancreatitis
<p>Abdominal ultrasonography is often used in the evaluation of dogs with suspected or known pancreatitis. Are the results reliable?</p>
Internal Medicine
Easy Antibiotic Stewardship
<p>Recommending the gold standard—topical treatments for skin infections—is simpler when they’re effective and easy for clients. Learn from Lana, the allergic Labrador. Offer these options.</p>
Looking for more pearls to
put into practice?
Browse the whole From Page to Patient
collection here.