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When your pet has urinary incontinence, cleaning up after perpetual leaks can be time‑consuming, but preventing those leaks doesn’t have to be. A new, FDA‑approved, once‑daily treatment for urinary incontinence is here. Get the info you need to prescribe this safe and effective treatment for improving urethral sphincter tone so your patients can stay dry as a bone.

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An Easier Way to Manage Urinary Incontinence

When your pet has urinary incontinence, cleaning up after perpetual leaks can be time‑consuming, but preventing those leaks doesn’t have to be. A new, FDA‑approved, once‑daily treatment for urinary incontinence is here. Get the info you need to prescribe this safe and effective treatment for improving urethral sphincter tone so your patients can stay dry as a bone.

Help your patients
have a dryer future.

Read More Now