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For most of the US, winter weather doesn’t mean months free from parasites. Read the truth about the seasonality of these tiny threats—both seen and unseen—and why it’s important to make sure your patients stay protected all year.

padding-bottom: 60px; 1 2 3 4 5 #000000 background: #e4e4e3 Keep parasites at bay,
even in cooler weather. #002965 true Find out more #002965 https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/clinical-notes-wintertime-worries-why-parasites-are-still-problem
Parasites Pose a Threat All Year

For most of the US, winter weather doesn’t mean months free from parasites. Read the truth about the seasonality of these tiny threats—both seen and unseen—and why it’s important to make sure your patients stay protected all year.

Keep parasites at bay,
even in cooler weather.

Find out more