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There are smiles all around when we get
to tell pet owners they don’t have to
medicate their pet’s ears at home.

text-align: center; color:#007dc3;

How can we make sure we are assessing, preparing, and treating dogs with otitis appropriately? Appropriate diagnostics, owner ease and preferences, and follow‑up are key. 

text-align: center; 1 2 3 4 5 #000000 background-color: #007dc3 Snag this algorithm to
guide treatment choices. true Download Here #000000 #ffffff https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/canine-otitis-externa-diagnosis-management
Ease & Adherence for Otitis Externa

There are smiles all around when we get
to tell pet owners they don’t have to
medicate their pet’s ears at home.

How can we make sure we are assessing, preparing, and treating dogs with otitis appropriately? Appropriate diagnostics, owner ease and preferences, and follow‑up are key. 

Snag this algorithm to
guide treatment choices.

Download Here