Subject line(s)
• The Clinician’s Brief 2023 Essential Veterinary Study
• Clinician’s Brief Wants to Hear from You
• Survey: Share Your Thoughts for a Chance to Win
• Survey: Penny for Your Thoughts?
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The Clinician’s Brief 2023 Essential Veterinary Study
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In addition to always striving to bring relevant, practical clinical information right to your fingertips, Clinician’s Brief is on a mission to bring your concerns and interests to the decision-makers in our industry. {br}{br}We hope you’ll take a minute to participate in this survey exploring learning habits, interests, and engagement with media outlets in the veterinary space. It’s a survey, so it’s quick and easy, but even better: Your responses will contribute to the larger discussions being had in veterinary medicine. But if that’s not enough, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a $500 gift card.{br}{br}We look forward to hearing from you soon! {br}{br}Sincerely,{br}The Clinician's Brief Team
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Be a part of the 2023 Essential Veterinary Study—you may just{nbs}win!
Take the survey
All responses are confidential. All respondents who complete the{br}survey are eligible for 1 of 3 gift cards valued at $500{nbs}each.
The Clinician’s Brief 2023 Essential Veterinary Study
In addition to always striving to bring relevant, practical clinical information right to your fingertips, Clinician’s Brief is on a mission to bring your concerns and interests to the decision-makers in our industry. {br}{br}We hope you’ll take a minute to participate in this survey exploring learning habits, interests, and engagement with media outlets in the veterinary space. It’s a survey, so it’s quick and easy, but even better: Your responses will contribute to the larger discussions being had in veterinary medicine. But if that’s not enough, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a $500 gift card.{br}{br}We look forward to hearing from you soon! {br}{br}Sincerely,{br}The Clinician's Brief Team
<p>All responses are confidential. All respondents who complete the{br}survey are eligible for 1 of 3 gift cards valued at $500{nbs}each.</p>
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The Clinician’s Brief 2023 Essential Veterinary Study
In addition to always striving to bring relevant, practical clinical information right to your fingertips, Clinician’s Brief is on a mission to bring your concerns and interests to the decision-makers in our industry. {br}{br}We hope you’ll take a minute to participate in this survey exploring learning habits, interests, and engagement with media outlets in the veterinary space. It’s a survey, so it’s quick and easy, but even better: Your responses will contribute to the larger discussions being had in veterinary medicine. But if that’s not enough, you’ll also be entered for a chance to win a $500 gift card.{br}{br}We look forward to hearing from you soon! {br}{br}Sincerely,{br}The Clinician's Brief Team
<p>All responses are confidential. All respondents who complete the{br}survey are eligible for 1 of 3 gift cards valued at $500{nbs}each.</p>