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true true {{custommediabasic::headline_less_padding_bottom}} #f16322 #8a92ae {{custommediabasic::custom_background}} 30px 0 30px 0 {{custommediabasic::logo_url}} /uploads/11022_webinar_partner_zoetis_artboard_46_2_x-55e9c525528050ee7e375812be657dfb.jpg {{custommediabasic::logo_alt_text}} 61 true {{custommediabasic::header_image_url}} /uploads/zoetis_brief_bytes_solensia_header_image_600_x360_n_e_bb_2_x-e53fcf8b41f44f56c571bf893173be38.jpg {{custommediabasic::header_image_alt_text}} Uncovering Feline Osteoarthritis Pain {{custommediabasic::headline_smaller}} Tools for Clinicians & Pet Owners {{custommediabasic::subhead_url}} {{custommediabasic::headline_subhead_above_header_image}} true

Brief Byte Featured Fact: As natural prey, our feline patients possess a strong instinct to hide signs of pain, including pain associated with osteoarthritis. Can you believe that, in a study of 90 cats >12 years of age with radiographic signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD), only 4 had documentation of DJD or arthritis in their medical record?1 Even more, in another study, ≥61% of cats 6 years of age had radiographic evidence of OA.2

It takes the partnership of the pet owner and the veterinary team to recognize and manage feline OA pain. Check out these tools to help make sure no patient suffers in silence.

#888888 true true true true https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/feline-osteoarthritis-pain-tools-clinicians-pet-owners Explore these tools to start{br}cracking the code on feline OA pain. Learn More Here {{custommediabasic::footnote_center}} {{custommediabasic::footnote}} {{custommediabasic::footnote_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_center}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_larger}}

References: {br}1. Hardie EM, Roe SC, Martin FR. Radiographic evidence of degenerative joint disease in geriatric cats: 100 cases (1994-1997). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2002;220(5):628-632.{br} 2. Slingerland LI, Hazewinkel HA, Meij BP, Picavet P, Voorhout G. Cross-sectional study of the prevalence and clinical features of osteoarthritis in 100 cats. Vet J. 2011;187(3):304-309. 

Uncovering Feline Osteoarthritis PainUncovering Feline Osteoarthritis Pain
Uncovering Feline Osteoarthritis Pain
Tools for Clinicians & Pet Owners

Brief Byte Featured Fact: As natural prey, our feline patients possess a strong instinct to hide signs of pain, including pain associated with osteoarthritis. Can you believe that, in a study of 90 cats >12 years of age with radiographic signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD), only 4 had documentation of DJD or arthritis in their medical record?1 Even more, in another study, ≥61% of cats 6 years of age had radiographic evidence of OA.2

It takes the partnership of the pet owner and the veterinary team to recognize and manage feline OA pain. Check out these tools to help make sure no patient suffers in silence.

Explore these tools to start{br}cracking the code on feline OA pain.
Explore these tools to start{br}cracking the code on feline OA pain.
Learn More Here
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Uncovering Feline Osteoarthritis PainUncovering Feline Osteoarthritis Pain
Uncovering Feline Osteoarthritis Pain
Tools for Clinicians & Pet Owners

Brief Byte Featured Fact: As natural prey, our feline patients possess a strong instinct to hide signs of pain, including pain associated with osteoarthritis. Can you believe that, in a study of 90 cats >12 years of age with radiographic signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD), only 4 had documentation of DJD or arthritis in their medical record?1 Even more, in another study, ≥61% of cats 6 years of age had radiographic evidence of OA.2

It takes the partnership of the pet owner and the veterinary team to recognize and manage feline OA pain. Check out these tools to help make sure no patient suffers in silence.

Explore these tools to start{br}cracking the code on feline OA pain.
Explore these tools to start{br}cracking the code on feline OA pain.
Learn More Here