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true {{custommediabasic::headline_all_caps}} {{custommediabasic::headline_less_padding_bottom}} #000000 #2c9942 {{custommediabasic::custom_background}} 30px 0 30px 0 {{custommediabasic::logo_url}} /uploads/042623_webinar_partner_trudell_email_sponsor_logo_2_x-424b5cd4409458c2c2d74b803dbc6bf9.png {{custommediabasic::logo_alt_text}} 148 true {{custommediabasic::header_image_url}} /uploads/trudell_brief_byte_2_header_image_600_x360_n_e_bb_2_x-9ffb932f7bec5635f6d75c1fc967b4b7.jpg {{custommediabasic::header_image_alt_text}} Teach Any Cat {strong}{em}AeroKat{/em}{/strong}* with Behaviorist{nbh}Led Training {{custommediabasic::headline_smaller}} Easy As 1, 2, 3…. {{custommediabasic::subhead_url}} {{custommediabasic::headline_subhead_above_header_image}} true

Brief Byte Featured Fact: Inhaled steroids can help cats with asthma avoid the side effects of prednisolone that can halt play, harm health, and change behavior. Don’t let owners’ fear of their cats' stubbornness keep them on oral steroids: most cats learn to accept inhalers in as few as 6 days!

With this 5-step, how‑to video series for pet owners developed by a certified behaviorist and the International Society of Feline Medicine, any cat can learn to accept an inhaler—as easy as 1, 2, 3.

#888888 true true true true https://www.trudellanimalhealth.com/get-started/training? Help pet owners understand the{br}ease of inhalers for rescue{br}and control with these resources. Watch the Video {{custommediabasic::footnote_center}} {{custommediabasic::footnote}} {{custommediabasic::footnote_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_center}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_copy}}
Teach Any Cat AeroKat* with Behaviorist{nbh}Led Training
Teach Any Cat {strong}{em}AeroKat{/em}{/strong}* with Behaviorist{nbh}Led Training
Easy As 1, 2, 3….

Brief Byte Featured Fact: Inhaled steroids can help cats with asthma avoid the side effects of prednisolone that can halt play, harm health, and change behavior. Don’t let owners’ fear of their cats' stubbornness keep them on oral steroids: most cats learn to accept inhalers in as few as 6 days!

With this 5-step, how‑to video series for pet owners developed by a certified behaviorist and the International Society of Feline Medicine, any cat can learn to accept an inhaler—as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Help pet owners understand the{br}ease of inhalers for rescue{br}and control with these resources.
Help pet owners understand the{br}ease of inhalers for rescue{br}and control with these resources.
Watch the Video
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Teach Any Cat AeroKat* with Behaviorist{nbh}Led Training
Teach Any Cat {strong}{em}AeroKat{/em}{/strong}* with Behaviorist{nbh}Led Training
Easy As 1, 2, 3….

Brief Byte Featured Fact: Inhaled steroids can help cats with asthma avoid the side effects of prednisolone that can halt play, harm health, and change behavior. Don’t let owners’ fear of their cats' stubbornness keep them on oral steroids: most cats learn to accept inhalers in as few as 6 days!

With this 5-step, how‑to video series for pet owners developed by a certified behaviorist and the International Society of Feline Medicine, any cat can learn to accept an inhaler—as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Help pet owners understand the{br}ease of inhalers for rescue{br}and control with these resources.
Help pet owners understand the{br}ease of inhalers for rescue{br}and control with these resources.
Watch the Video