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true true {{custommediabasic::headline_less_padding_bottom}} #e12726 #4a4542 {{custommediabasic::custom_background}} 30px 0 30px 0 {{custommediabasic::logo_url}} /uploads/020922_webinar_partner_purina_email_sponsor_logo_2_x-e9c14881a8fb1469ab8c1c00e4700007.jpg {{custommediabasic::logo_alt_text}} 130 true {{custommediabasic::header_image_url}} /uploads/nestle_purina_brief_byte_apr23_header_image_600_x360_n_e_bb_2_x-2d33cc5b82bc71a4d3af1f1c475123ba.jpg {{custommediabasic::header_image_alt_text}} Helping the{br}Overweight Patient {{custommediabasic::headline_smaller}} Nutrition, Communication, {br}{amp} Management Considerations {{custommediabasic::subhead_url}} {{custommediabasic::headline_subhead_above_header_image}} true

Brief Byte Featured Fact: Weight loss can be an essential component of patient quality of life, mobility, longevity, and overall health, but it can be hard to talk about and even harder to achieve. Check out this Nutrition Exchange to get more insights to improve your dietary recommendations.

#888888 true true true true https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/purina-nutrition-exchange-april-2023 Don’t waste time when{br}it comes to the waistline. Get Started {{custommediabasic::footnote_center}} {{custommediabasic::footnote}} {{custommediabasic::footnote_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_center}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_copy}}
Helping the Overweight Patient
Helping the{br}Overweight Patient
Nutrition, Communication, {br}{amp} Management Considerations

Brief Byte Featured Fact: Weight loss can be an essential component of patient quality of life, mobility, longevity, and overall health, but it can be hard to talk about and even harder to achieve. Check out this Nutrition Exchange to get more insights to improve your dietary recommendations.

Don’t waste time when{br}it comes to the waistline.
Don’t waste time when{br}it comes to the waistline.
Get Started
</head> <body style="-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%;margin:0;min-width:100%;padding:0;width:100%" data-bg-color="#e8e8e8" bgcolor="#e8e8e8">
Helping the Overweight Patient
Helping the{br}Overweight Patient
Nutrition, Communication, {br}{amp} Management Considerations

Brief Byte Featured Fact: Weight loss can be an essential component of patient quality of life, mobility, longevity, and overall health, but it can be hard to talk about and even harder to achieve. Check out this Nutrition Exchange to get more insights to improve your dietary recommendations.

Don’t waste time when{br}it comes to the waistline.
Don’t waste time when{br}it comes to the waistline.
Get Started