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true true true #0055A5 #EC1B34 {{custommediabasic::custom_background}} 30px 0 30px 0 {{custommediabasic::logo_url}} /uploads/hills_email_sponsor_logo_2_x-4b8d69b0635fed77bf45ee9af3f039a6.jpg {{custommediabasic::logo_alt_text}} 100 true {{custommediabasic::header_image_url}} /uploads/hills_brief_bytes_4_header_image_600_x360_derm_2_x-156deffbff854f9eb05ddd8f45dd0510.jpg {{custommediabasic::header_image_alt_text}} Urinary Foods for{br}Feline Lower Urinary{br}Tract Disease {{custommediabasic::headline_smaller}} An Appropriate Approach{br}to Inappropriate Urination {{custommediabasic::subhead_url}} {{custommediabasic::headline_subhead_above_header_image}} true

Feline idiopathic cystitis, urethral plugs, and stones are among the most common causes of FLUTD, but did you know there’s a therapeutic food that can aid in the management of all these causes and more? Watch this 5-minute video to see which food can help, and get tips on your nutrition recommendations for these patients.

#888888 true true true true https://na.hillsvna.com/en_US/resources-2/view/99 Help more FLUTD patients{br}with these expert insights. WATCH NOW {{custommediabasic::footnote_center}} {{custommediabasic::footnote}} {{custommediabasic::footnote_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_center}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_copy}}
Urinary Foods for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Urinary Foods for{br}Feline Lower Urinary{br}Tract Disease
An Appropriate Approach{br}to Inappropriate Urination

Feline idiopathic cystitis, urethral plugs, and stones are among the most common causes of FLUTD, but did you know there’s a therapeutic food that can aid in the management of all these causes and more? Watch this 5-minute video to see which food can help, and get tips on your nutrition recommendations for these patients.

Help more FLUTD patients{br}with these expert insights.
Help more FLUTD patients{br}with these expert insights.
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Urinary Foods for Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease
Urinary Foods for{br}Feline Lower Urinary{br}Tract Disease
An Appropriate Approach{br}to Inappropriate Urination

Feline idiopathic cystitis, urethral plugs, and stones are among the most common causes of FLUTD, but did you know there’s a therapeutic food that can aid in the management of all these causes and more? Watch this 5-minute video to see which food can help, and get tips on your nutrition recommendations for these patients.

Help more FLUTD patients{br}with these expert insights.
Help more FLUTD patients{br}with these expert insights.