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true {{custommediabasic::headline_all_caps}} {{custommediabasic::headline_less_padding_bottom}} #0055A5 #00437B {{custommediabasic::custom_background}} 30px 0 30px 0 https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/shelter-pet-hero-august-2020 /uploads/hills_transforming_lives_logo_c_m_y_k_2019_april_2020_n_e_w_1-620f73c4726724c3b5f75bb54081b127.jpg {{custommediabasic::logo_alt_text}} 100 true https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/shelter-pet-hero-august-2020 /uploads/sophie_june_2020-602e57a37b615cf59b06dd2106986c2c.jpg {{custommediabasic::header_image_alt_text}} See Sophie’s Survival Story {{custommediabasic::headline_smaller}} Hill’s Pet Hero August Winner {{custommediabasic::subhead_url}} true {{custommediabasic::headline_subhead_below_header_image}}

Sophie’s life was standard until her owner passed away in 2016. After that, things took a downhill turn until she was surrendered to Leflore County Animal Society. Emaciated and with numerous other medical problems, Sophie underwent several rounds of diagnostics and treatments.

#888888 true {{custommediabasic::cta_center}} {{custommediabasic::cta_callout}} {{custommediabasic::cta_callout_secondary}} https://www.cliniciansbrief.com/article/shelter-pet-hero-august-2020 See what Sophie’s life is like now and get inspired to nominate your own shelter pet hero's chance to win. READ MORE {{custommediabasic::footnote_center}} {{custommediabasic::footnote}} {{custommediabasic::footnote_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_center}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_copy}}
See Sophie’s Survival Story
Hill’s Pet Hero August Winner

Sophie’s life was standard until her owner passed away in 2016. After that, things took a downhill turn until she was surrendered to Leflore County Animal Society. Emaciated and with numerous other medical problems, Sophie underwent several rounds of diagnostics and treatments.

See what Sophie’s life is like now and get inspired to nominate your own shelter pet hero's chance to win.
See what Sophie’s life is like now and get inspired to nominate your own shelter pet hero's chance to win.
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See Sophie’s Survival Story
Hill’s Pet Hero August Winner

Sophie’s life was standard until her owner passed away in 2016. After that, things took a downhill turn until she was surrendered to Leflore County Animal Society. Emaciated and with numerous other medical problems, Sophie underwent several rounds of diagnostics and treatments.

See what Sophie’s life is like now and get inspired to nominate your own shelter pet hero's chance to win.
See what Sophie’s life is like now and get inspired to nominate your own shelter pet hero's chance to win.