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{pb10}{subhead primary}Tick-borne diseases of dogs and cats{/subhead}{/pb10}

Tick distribution, along with the pathogens they carry, is ever expanding, and therefore, it is paramount that veterinarians stay educated on the tick-borne diseases commonly seen in the United States. In this webinar, you will learn about the major tick-borne diseases of veterinary importance from Dr. Brian Herrin. Dr. Herrin will highlight the key points to understanding and controlling tick-borne diseases in your practice. The first part of the seminar will focus on identification and distribution of the known tick vector(s). The second section will cover diagnosis and treatment of the tick-borne diseases, including clinical cases to highlight key features of the disease manifestation. The seminar will conclude with helpful/practical prevention and control strategies for ticks and their pathogens alike. With ticks, tick-borne diseases, and the products used to control them changing all the time, this webinar will provide the most current information to help veterinarians better understand the diseases endemic to their region as well as across the country.


#888888 true true true {{custommediabasic::cta_callout_secondary}} {{custommediabasic::cta_url}} CTA Goes Here Learn More {{custommediabasic::footnote_center}} {{custommediabasic::footnote}} {{custommediabasic::footnote_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_center}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_larger}} {{custommediabasic::pre_footer_copy}}

{pb10}{subhead primary}Tick-borne diseases of dogs and cats{/subhead}{/pb10}

Tick distribution, along with the pathogens they carry, is ever expanding, and therefore, it is paramount that veterinarians stay educated on the tick-borne diseases commonly seen in the United States. In this webinar, you will learn about the major tick-borne diseases of veterinary importance from Dr. Brian Herrin. Dr. Herrin will highlight the key points to understanding and controlling tick-borne diseases in your practice. The first part of the seminar will focus on identification and distribution of the known tick vector(s). The second section will cover diagnosis and treatment of the tick-borne diseases, including clinical cases to highlight key features of the disease manifestation. The seminar will conclude with helpful/practical prevention and control strategies for ticks and their pathogens alike. With ticks, tick-borne diseases, and the products used to control them changing all the time, this webinar will provide the most current information to help veterinarians better understand the diseases endemic to their region as well as across the country.


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{pb10}{subhead primary}Tick-borne diseases of dogs and cats{/subhead}{/pb10}

Tick distribution, along with the pathogens they carry, is ever expanding, and therefore, it is paramount that veterinarians stay educated on the tick-borne diseases commonly seen in the United States. In this webinar, you will learn about the major tick-borne diseases of veterinary importance from Dr. Brian Herrin. Dr. Herrin will highlight the key points to understanding and controlling tick-borne diseases in your practice. The first part of the seminar will focus on identification and distribution of the known tick vector(s). The second section will cover diagnosis and treatment of the tick-borne diseases, including clinical cases to highlight key features of the disease manifestation. The seminar will conclude with helpful/practical prevention and control strategies for ticks and their pathogens alike. With ticks, tick-borne diseases, and the products used to control them changing all the time, this webinar will provide the most current information to help veterinarians better understand the diseases endemic to their region as well as across the country.


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CTA Goes Here
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